Sometimes if I've been away from writing for a while, it takes a bit for me to get back into those good habits of sitting down at a set time and getting right into my story. I suppose it is a form of writer's block, and my response to writer's block has always been the same: I write anyway. I have generally found that if I sit down and write, even when I don't feel like writing, I do get some work done, even if it is not good work, and I can always go back when my muse wakes up again and fix the parts that are weak or bad.
Another thing that sometimes works well for me is to step away from the story I am writing and write something else. It can be a short story, a piece of flash fiction, or even notes for a project that I've set down for the future. The idea is to move forward and get into that groove again that gets the job done.
I came up with an idea for a different kind of short story several years ago, and it has remained for me, so I feel like it is a story I need to write. The idea is about a young traveler who goes into a town and after talking to several of the townspeople, finds out that everyone in the town is named Oswell Framwinkle. Every man, woman, and child goes by that same unusual name for some reason, so the young visitor decides that he must try to get to the bottom of it all and find out why the town is like this. He tracks it down to an incident that happen several decades earlier that involved an innocent wizard who was hanged unjustly by a corrupt judicial system. There is a curse, a mysterious cottage out in the woods where it is always storming, and a middle aged wizard who seems to know all about the situation.
I usually don't write sorcery books, but this one wants to haunt me until I write it, so while I am waiting for my inspiration for Book Three of the Word series to return, I have decided to work on this story a bit. If I can pull this story together from my notes, I hope to use it to assemble an anthology of all of my short stories and novellas and publish it in paperback format for those who have wanted a physical copy of the stories that I have published over the years in ebook format.
I have already begun the work, and will be building the story from the copious notes that I made when the idea came to me. With any luck and a lot of hard work, I should be able to get the story done in the next couple of months.
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